Bhutan, a gem nestled in the heart of the glorious Himalayas, holds the unique distinction of being the only carbon-negative country in the world. Over 70% of its land is cloaked in lush forests, a testament to its commitment to environmental conservation. This commitment is further enshrined in its constitution, which mandates that a minimum of 60% of the land must remain forested for all future generations.
Shielded by the majestic Himalayas, Bhutan has been able to preserve a culture and tradition that have remained relatively untouched for centuries. This cultural preservation is a testament to the country’s resilience and dedication to its heritage.
Bhutan’s development philosophy, known as Gross National Happiness (GNH), sets it apart from the rest of the world. The pillars of GNH are rooted in good governance, environmental conservation, sustainable development, and the preservation of Bhutan’s unique culture and tradition.
This philosophy has enabled Bhutan to cherish and preserve its natural environment and unique traditions, much as they were centuries ago. As a visitor, you will have the opportunity to explore and experience the vibrant lives that the Bhutanese people lead, deeply intertwined with their natural surroundings and cultural heritage.